Example of errors found in the Firefox browser

1. <colgroup valign="top"> is ignored
2. <caption> is not centered when table is centered
3. Background-color in <div> is ignored

1. <colgroup valign="top"> is ignored

This is a caption
Stuff Lots of stuff.
Stuff Lots and lots and lots of stuff.
Stuff Lots and lots and lots of stuff with pretty bells on.
Stuff Lots and lots and lots of stuff with pretty bells and go-faster stripes.

2. <caption> is not centered when table is centered

This is a caption
Stuff Lots of stuff.
Stuff Lots and lots and lots of stuff.
Stuff Lots and lots and lots of stuff with pretty bells on.
Stuff Lots and lots and lots of stuff with pretty bells and go-faster stripes.

3. Background-color in <div> is ignored